

Human Resources Department today about how to access free

counseling support services through ​your Employee Assistance Program!​ If you don’t use it… You lose it.​

EAP is another way to spell FREE. EAP stands for “Employee Assistance Program” and is a health & wellness benefit most companies offer employees for short-term, solutions-focused counseling at no cost.

EAPs are typically run via a 3rd party company separate from an employer in order to ensure confidentiality about who is using the program & for what reasons. When there are personal problems impacting an employee, regardless of whether or not the workplace itself is the cause of the problems, an EAP benefit can allow someone to access services for free. Willis CC is one of the major sites that EAP companies choose to send their referrals.

Each EAP company contracts with employers like Whole Foods, Loyola University, United Airlines, Northwestern Medicine and other major companies to determine the amount of free sessions available to employees, which could be anywhere from 1 to ​10​ sessions. After those sessions, if someone wants to continue seeking counseling, ​the provider can help transition from EAP coverage to traditional insurance coverage.

You can use your free authorized sessions at Willis CC - ask your Human Resources Department today!

Steps To Get Your Free Therapy

Step 1

Ask at work how to get your authorized EAP sessions

Step 2

Request to use your approval at Willis CC

Step 3

Let us know and we guarantee immediate booking availability